Who and Why?


espanola-iguanaNo, not in the metaphysical/spiritual so of way. Just so you know who is writing and why.

What does a reformed worker bee do when she finds herself out of the hive?  First, spend a year running an Airbnb business, sitting on 2 disfunctional non-profit boards, lose 50 pounds, take some freelance contracts, take up bocce and golf and have a knee replacement.

Not enough.  I look around and try to figure out what is next.  Feed the poor? Run a marathon? Learn to sail?  Read 24/7? Nothing seems quite right yet.  About the only thing I am good at is looking around and seeing the world slightly skewed. Turning, twisting, slicing, dicing the reality around me.  Massaging data and finding patterns. Linking what I see to what it may mean for our culture and our future. Yep, I’m a failed, cynical sociologist.

My  loves are readable novels, the Pacific Ocean, baseball and opera (both in medium doses), eavesdropping, iguanae, travel, hotel rooms, avocados, small talky English films and parentheses.  I pretty much despise exercise, vegan food, flying, boring drunks, peas, action flicks and philosophical treatises. Reduced Fat Ruffles with french onion dip and Chocolate Covered Hobnobs are the best things in the Universe.

So what follow are postings from a newly retired, not-quite-sure-what-do-with-myself-yet  boomer Mill Valley girl/woman.

With much love to the Spouseperson.  I’m sorry I’m such a nag.



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